Saturday, November 10, 2007

Is WiFi safe?

Wireless communication is increasingly being used everywhere today – in homes, offices and public places. Some of the common wireless devices that can be found in the home, office and school are: wireless PC network or broadband routers, wireless local area networks (wLAN, or Wi-fi), wireless home entertainment networks, certain wireless burglar alarm systems, DECT (digitally enhanced cordless telephones), wireless interactive whiteboards and paging systems.

These devices or appliance operate in a way very similar to mobile phones, operating in the microwave spectrum between 900MHz and 2.4Hz. They are designed to be short-range local communications devices to avoid wired connections.

In recent years, concerns have especially been raised over Wi-fi installation. Like mobile phones, Wi-fi is an untested technology – meaning it hasn’t yet been proven safe for us. As with other toxins like tobacco and asbestos, accepted proof of its dangers can take years, even decades. It is thus prudent to take precautions.

Evidence is emerging that the health hazards associated with wireless microwave are at least comparable to, if not worse than, those associated with cigarette smoking. Unlike cigarette smoking, passive involuntary exposure to microwaves, which produce electromagnetic radiation, is hard to avoid if Wi-fi becomes common everywhere.

The bad news is, we’re all now drowning in a sea of microwaves because Wi-fi technology is now taking the world by storm. In fact, its use is said to have gone out of control worldwide. It is now feared that wireless communication networks may become the “asbestos of the 21st century”.

Why is Wi-fi potentially bad for health and why should we be concerned with its use? What are its effects on children? What are the repercussions of this technology?

Our body and The Low of Nature

Each matter has a charge. There are two types of charges, negative and positive. Negative charges always attract positive charges to fine the state of equilibrium. Lightning happens when negative charges of the clouds attract positive charges of the earth.

The same goes to the humans. The males have negative charges and the females have positive charges. This is why they are always attracted towards each other. Physical contact between male and female will cause bad affect and pollute the charges of human body. Unless for the body to be in the state of equilibrium, physical contact between male and female must be link by love and care between them. Love and care between couples can be possible after marriage. The state of equilibrium only can be found in marriage. However, charge of our body that are polluted can be refresh and recovered by washing our sensory organs such as face, ears, arms, foots and mouthwash.

Besides, our bodies are exposed to oxidation process in an open air. Oxidation process is known as rusting process. Parts of our body which are prone to get rusty are the nails and hair. Keeping them short, clean, washing our sensory organs often and wearing scarf can avoid rusty of our body.

Pollution of the charges in human body can happen naturally with the environment. Rotation of the earth may cause changes in the colour of the atmosphere. There are five dominant colour changes in a day. Colours of atmosphere also have charges. Changes in the colour of atmosphere may cause pollination to the charges of human body. There for, we have to purify them by washing our sensory organ at least five times a day.

Organ which control charges to be always in equilibrium is the pineal gland. Pineal gland is situated at the apex or top most to the brain. Healthy pineal gland will ensure all organs in our body system are in state of equilibrium. When the pineal gland receives enough supply of blood, oxygen and nitrogen, it will function efficiently. Unfortunately the pineal gland seldom receives enough all these supplements due to narrowness of blood capillaries in the brain. Blood capillaries in the brain can only deliver cold blood and when the mind is calm and peaceful. After midnight, world will become in harmony. Prostrating after midnight is one way to ease the flow. When the forehead touches the ground while prostrating, these supplements will rush into the pineal gland.

With a body in equilibrium, it will give a great impact to our lives. We can keep our health in top condition and we can achieve our entire goals. Imbalance body may cause unrest and stressful mind. Peaceful and rest mind can bring happiness and prosperity.

Since our body have charges, there for they have close relationship with the low of nature. Infect, they are a part of nature. The natures created by God always find level of balance. In nature, there are four types of cleansing agents such as water, earth, wind and fire. Water is the most common cleanser we use every day. We use earth or mud to clean skin form infection. Wind or air is used for cleaning some parts of machine. Fire is used to clear the most stubborn stain and dirtiest things. It is also used to clean ores to become metal. Simultaneously we have unable to clean ourselves, we’ll be cleansed by the nature. World disaster is one example of a cleansing process. Cleansing agent are also preventive agents. At the hardware shops, nails are kept in oil to prevent rusting. In the hereafter, dirty and sinful body will be kept in fire.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

How to avoid an unnecessary caesarean


Read and educate yourself on childbirth and its related processes.

Help ensure a healthy baby and mother by eating a well-balanced diet.

If your baby is breech, ask your care provider about exercise to turn the baby, external version (turning the baby with hands), and vaginal breech delivery. You may want to seek a second opinion.


Stay at home as long as possible. Walk and change position frequently. Labour in the position most comfortable for you.

Continue to eat and drink lightly, especially during early labour, to provide energy.

Avoid drugs for a slow labour. As an alternative, you keep prying.

If your water bag breaks, don’t let anyone do a vaginal examination unless medically indicated for a specific reason. The risk of infection increases with each examination.

Request intermittent, instead of continuous electronic foetal monitoring or the use of a fetoscope. Medical research has shown that continuous electronic foetal monitoring can increase the risk of caesarean without related improvement in outcome for the baby.

Avoid using an epidural. Medical research has shown that epidurals can slow down labour and cause complication for the mother and baby.

Do not arrive at the hospital too early. If you are still in the early stages of labour when you get to the hospital, instead of being admitted, walk around the hospital or go home and rest.

If your healthcare provider has suggested a caesarean and you are in a non-emergency situation, take the time to really discuss your options regarding the procedure. Find out why it is being used in your case, what are the short-term and long-term effects on you and your baby, and what are your other options.

Other problems to expect with caesarean

Stillbirths. Women who have had a baby by caesarean have a higher risk of a stillbirth in a later pregnancy, an audit of thousands of births has revealed.

The data came from records of women in Oxford-shire and West Berkshire who had babies between 1968 and 1989 and the study is reported in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Repeat Caesarean: More Risk

Women who have uterine caesarean scar have slightly increased long-term risks. These risks, which increase further with each additional caesarean delivery, include:

- Breaking open of incision scar during a later pregnancy or labour (uterine rupture, or tearing open of the uterus into the abdominal cavity), a serious condition that may result in hysterectomy, urologic injury or a need for blood transfusion for the mother, and neurological damage in the infant. 90% of uterine ruptures happen at the site of a scar from a previous C-section.

- Placenta previa (the growth of the placenta low in the uterus, blocking the cervix). Compared with women with no uterine scar, women have more than 4 times the risk of placenta previa with 1 prior caesarean, 7 times the risk with 2-3 prior caesareans, and 45 times the risk with 4 or more prior caesareans. Placenta previa more than doubles the chance of the baby dying and increases the rate of pre-term birth more than 6-fold.

- Placenta accreta, placenta increta, placenta percreta (least to most severe), the growth of the placenta deeper into the uterine wall than normal, which can lead to severe bleeding after childbirth, sometimes requiring a hysterectomy.

- The odd placenta accreta (placenta grows into or even through the uterus) jump from 1 in 1,000 with 1 prior caesarean to in 100 with more than 1 prior caesarean. Nearly all women with this complication will require a hysterectomy, nearly half will have a massive haemorrhage, and as many as 1 in 11 babies and 1 in 14 mothers will die. The incidence of placenta accrete has increased 10-fold in the last 50 years.

- Placental abruption. Compared with women with prior births and no previous caesareans, women with 1 prior caesarean or more have as much as 3 times the risk of placental abruption (early separation of a normal placenta from the wall of uterus). With placental abruption, 6 in every 100 babies will die, and 3 in 10 will be born too early.

Old scar tissue also increases the likelihood of surgical injury

One more woman in every 100 with a history of more than one caesarean will have an ectopic pregnancy (embryo implants outside the womb). Haemorrhage associated with ectopic pregnancy is one of the leading causes of maternal death in the US.

Women having elective repeat caesarean are more likely to experience haemorrhage requiring transfusion, blood clots, and infection.Postpartum recovery after repeat caesarean section is even more difficult when there is another child or children to care for.