Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cancer Specialist Appeal Against the Cell Phone

19 scientists, brought together by an eminent specialist in the fight against cancer, David Servan-Schreiber, lunch an appeal to sensitize public opinion to the risk cell phone use could pose to the brain, notably for the youngest patients. The Jurnal du Dimanche echoes that appeal and analyses a disturbing phenomenon.

What This Appeal?

These 19 scientists, mostly oncologists, brought together by David Servant-Schreiber, author of “Anticancer” (Robert Laffont), believe that risk is too great to be incurred.

“We’re in the same situation today as we were 50 years ago with asbestos and tobacco,” notes Thierry Bouillet, oncologist at the Avicenne de Bobigny Hospital and a signatory to the appeal.

“Either we do nothing and accept the risk, or we admit that are a cluster or worrying scientific arguments”.

The signatories to the appeal among whom numbers Professor Hendi Pujul, President of the National League against Cancer, find it most important to emphasize the risks to youth – more sensitive to the penetration of radiation.

In their list of 10 precautions to take – “basic,” they call them, but radical all the same – they go so far as to ask that parents of children under 12 forbid their children all cell phone access, except for emergencies.

The hard core of oncologist brought together for this appeal have known psychiatrist David Servan-Schreiber since the publication of “Anticancer”. “He brought us together to present us his work,” Thierry Bouillet continues. “So that it wouldn’t be destroyed in the press without our knowing what is was. We all started out with a negative prejudice; he’s a very controversial character. But we were won over.

As of today, you can find a comparison of the level of electromagnetic radiation emitted by different call phone models on David Servan-Schreiber’s website.

What Are the Dangers?

The scientists agree on 2 things; there’s no formal proof of the cell phone’s harmfulness, but a risk exists that it promotes the appearance of cancer in cases of long-term exposure.

On the other hand, we observe deep difference between researches on the level of that risk, characterized as “low” by the Health Ministry.

A Swedish study shows that the risk of having a cancerous tumor on the side where the telephone is used double in 10 years.

The American Bio-Initiative report adds that there is also a significant risk of increase in infantile leukemia and neurological problems (including Alzheimer). These results are contented by the proponents of low risk who consider them in sufficiently rigorous.

The researchers are counting on Interphone, the first large scale epidemiological study conducted across 13 countries.

The French component of the study has already concluded “this is a general tendency towards increase risk of gliomas (cancerous tumor) among heavy users,” but specifies that these results are “not statistically significant”. The definitive result, expected this year, should allow better insight.
Do Lobbies Influence Researchers?

“Corporate influence is very strong, just as we already observed with asbestos,” deems Etienne Cendrier, spokesman for the “Robins des toits” associations.

In his bood Et si la telephonie mobile devenait un scandale sanitaire?, [“And if the Cell Phone Became a Health Scandal?”] Editions du Rocher, he cites the minutes of a 1994 meeting of the Federation of Electric, Electronic and Communication Industries, the objective of which was to organize a European lobby to combat “rumors harmful on a commercial level”.

In France, the work of Afsset, the public agency which produced the two last official reports on the subject, was disclaimed by its supervising ministries.

4 of the 2005 report’s 10 expert had direct of indirect connections with operators, while the 2003 report’s experts had pleaded the cell phone’s low risk in an advertising supplement in Impact Medicine, France Telecom financed. “The burden of our report has not been brought into question,” they demur at Afsset.
Community militants have discovered several cases of researchers who were moved aside or stripped of funding. The Gerard Ledoigt, a biology researcher at the University of Clermont-Ferrand, discovered in 2006 that tomato plant genes interpret cell phone radiations as aggression.

A year letter, he learned that his lab was dismantled before being disclaimed by his university for statement he never made. “I don’t know why, but I was de facto prevented form working on the subject,” he indicates. The university retorts that his research continues in other lab with financing from the Foundation for Health and Radiofrequencies to which Gerard Ledoigt belongs.

That structure, created in 2006, irrigates the substance of French research on the subject. It is in the sights of NGO’s since it’s financed 50-50 by the government and corporations.
“We are not represented in its scientific council which works entirely independently,” they indicate at the French Association of Mobile Phone Operators (Afom). “That’s true, but then I am one of the very few council members who think that mobile phones may have an impact on cells,” adds Gerard Ledoigt.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Secret of Water and Ice

Are you aware that our bodies are getting more and more susceptible to illnesses and diseases? Most of us do not realize the severity of this situation until it is too late. As a Complementary Medicine provider we are very concern with this trend. Most illnesses can be controlled or arrested with a proper diet and regular exercise. However, you may still be afflicted with a serious ailment due to stress or environmental conditions.

All is not lost, as we have developed a therapy that can help to relieve and heal effectively. Known as “Hydrotherapy Ice”, it is proven to be very effective for people suffering from Arthritis, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Back Pain, Stress, high blood pressure right up to the dreaded disease we know as Cancer.

Hydrotherapy Ice combines all our natural elements together to harmonize our body and to promote general health, emotional, as well as spiritual well being.

With elements such as ionized alkaline water, potassium salt, floral essence (Seri Wajah Aromatherapy Essence), sulphur, ice and together with an ozone machine, UV light and water circulation, Hydrotherapy Ice is able to treat diseases effectively including cancer with minimum cost. All of us know that cancer is life threatening and to date there is no treatment that can really treat cancer effectively. Here you are able to witness how this therapy can successfully overcome various obstacles to help fight and overcome cancer.

You will be able to observe the drastic and apparent changes both emotionally and physically during the treatment process, amongst which are :
  • Changes in the colour of water (Depending on illness)
  • Changes in temperature
  • Changes in the energy level of patient
  • Changes in smell
Hydrotherapy Ice can provide you with the vital key to breaking the stress cycle of everyday modern life. In today’s busy world you can be prone to stress related illnesses which can cause a range of physical and psychological problems e.g. high blood pressure, insomnia, depression and the list is endless. Unfortunately stress not only affects the mind but more importantly your immune system. A strong immune system is the answer to combating viruses, bacteria and infection. It can help you overcome minor infections ranging from the common cold right up to deadly diseases.

This form of therapy stimulates your endorphins which in turn helps you to control pain and alleviate tension. It has the remarkable ability to improve circulation of blood flow which takes oxygen and nourishment to all your cells and tissues. Good circulation helps clear the body of toxins. Detoxing regularly improves your immune system.

This form of therapy offers you an excellent way to regain and maintain a healthy and painless body. Hydrotherapy Ice is able to adapt and complement your current treatment concept, anywhere in the world.

The general consensus of our practitioners is that the scientific theories in Science Chemistry, Physics and Biology allow them to understand how this therapy helps our body to regain health and total wellness.

Even more, not only does it helps to raise the standard of healthcare in our society, it is more affordable.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Colour Vibration Therapy (CVT) is a relatively new but dynamic and promising form of complementary medicine being developed right here in Malaysia. This form of therapy was pioneered by Prof. Dr. Sir Norhisham who has conducted numerous researches into traditional medicine which focuses on patient’s lifestyle.

He researched the connection between the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspect of the human body and deduced that all forms in the universe can be represented by a single frequency which can be measured, copied and used in any manner imaginable.While conventional medicine focuses on destroying a disease, the CVT treatment uses formulae that are embodied by simple concepts of light and sound vibration that allows the body to process the necessary enzymes and amino acids needed to aid troubled cells.

CVT should also not even be considered a cure as the real cure of illnesses and/or diseases lies within our often toxicated bodies. CVT activates these cures by creating balance and harmony in the body’s overall well-being.It helps find the point of balance in the cell or organ and returns the original energy into it.

In actual fact, all formulae derived from CVT should not be considered as medicine for the taking. The use of specific frequencies means that each part of the body can be targeted separately for treatment.

The CVT formulae used in the therapy is 100 percent free of chemicals or active ingredients that could eventually lead to poisoning or toxicity within the body. It does not use any ingredients originating from animals either.

Aromatherapy Seri Wajah

Seri Wajah (SW) is the best Aromatherapy Essence available for general well-being. The essence combines light and sound vibration to provide stability and creating a balance in our cells and body.

This will help improve our immune system which can affects us on all levels i.e. spiritually, emotional, mentally and physically. Used frequently and positively, it has a profound healing effect.

It is our intention to provide safe, convenient and effective high quality products to allow individual to release discordant energies and produce harmony for the mind, body and spirit.
Aromatherapy is a powerful healing tool because our sense of smell is directly linked through the olfactory gland to our brain and central nervous system.

Seri Wajah (SW) continuously will have the following effect depending on individual:
  1. Promotes a sense of inner peace.
  2. Clears the mind and aid concentration.
  3. Soothes anger and irritability.
  4. Refreshing and uplifting.
  5. Stimulate creativity and intuition.
  6. Evokes a sense of inspiration.
  7. Balance the body and mind.
  8. Lifts the spirit.
  9. Reduce stress.
  10. Quickly rejuvenates your mind.
  11. Clear stagnant energy / negative energy
  12. Eases nervous tension and anxiety.
  13. Provides a peace of mind and emotional balance.

For bathing one or two drops of SW into a bathing tub or
Wet face with cold water and used one or two drops of SW to wipe your face, ears and head. (Most effective with ice-water)

Want to get this product, feel free to contact me;
Tel: 016-3315761

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Is WiFi safe?

Wireless communication is increasingly being used everywhere today – in homes, offices and public places. Some of the common wireless devices that can be found in the home, office and school are: wireless PC network or broadband routers, wireless local area networks (wLAN, or Wi-fi), wireless home entertainment networks, certain wireless burglar alarm systems, DECT (digitally enhanced cordless telephones), wireless interactive whiteboards and paging systems.

These devices or appliance operate in a way very similar to mobile phones, operating in the microwave spectrum between 900MHz and 2.4Hz. They are designed to be short-range local communications devices to avoid wired connections.

In recent years, concerns have especially been raised over Wi-fi installation. Like mobile phones, Wi-fi is an untested technology – meaning it hasn’t yet been proven safe for us. As with other toxins like tobacco and asbestos, accepted proof of its dangers can take years, even decades. It is thus prudent to take precautions.

Evidence is emerging that the health hazards associated with wireless microwave are at least comparable to, if not worse than, those associated with cigarette smoking. Unlike cigarette smoking, passive involuntary exposure to microwaves, which produce electromagnetic radiation, is hard to avoid if Wi-fi becomes common everywhere.

The bad news is, we’re all now drowning in a sea of microwaves because Wi-fi technology is now taking the world by storm. In fact, its use is said to have gone out of control worldwide. It is now feared that wireless communication networks may become the “asbestos of the 21st century”.

Why is Wi-fi potentially bad for health and why should we be concerned with its use? What are its effects on children? What are the repercussions of this technology?

Our body and The Low of Nature

Each matter has a charge. There are two types of charges, negative and positive. Negative charges always attract positive charges to fine the state of equilibrium. Lightning happens when negative charges of the clouds attract positive charges of the earth.

The same goes to the humans. The males have negative charges and the females have positive charges. This is why they are always attracted towards each other. Physical contact between male and female will cause bad affect and pollute the charges of human body. Unless for the body to be in the state of equilibrium, physical contact between male and female must be link by love and care between them. Love and care between couples can be possible after marriage. The state of equilibrium only can be found in marriage. However, charge of our body that are polluted can be refresh and recovered by washing our sensory organs such as face, ears, arms, foots and mouthwash.

Besides, our bodies are exposed to oxidation process in an open air. Oxidation process is known as rusting process. Parts of our body which are prone to get rusty are the nails and hair. Keeping them short, clean, washing our sensory organs often and wearing scarf can avoid rusty of our body.

Pollution of the charges in human body can happen naturally with the environment. Rotation of the earth may cause changes in the colour of the atmosphere. There are five dominant colour changes in a day. Colours of atmosphere also have charges. Changes in the colour of atmosphere may cause pollination to the charges of human body. There for, we have to purify them by washing our sensory organ at least five times a day.

Organ which control charges to be always in equilibrium is the pineal gland. Pineal gland is situated at the apex or top most to the brain. Healthy pineal gland will ensure all organs in our body system are in state of equilibrium. When the pineal gland receives enough supply of blood, oxygen and nitrogen, it will function efficiently. Unfortunately the pineal gland seldom receives enough all these supplements due to narrowness of blood capillaries in the brain. Blood capillaries in the brain can only deliver cold blood and when the mind is calm and peaceful. After midnight, world will become in harmony. Prostrating after midnight is one way to ease the flow. When the forehead touches the ground while prostrating, these supplements will rush into the pineal gland.

With a body in equilibrium, it will give a great impact to our lives. We can keep our health in top condition and we can achieve our entire goals. Imbalance body may cause unrest and stressful mind. Peaceful and rest mind can bring happiness and prosperity.

Since our body have charges, there for they have close relationship with the low of nature. Infect, they are a part of nature. The natures created by God always find level of balance. In nature, there are four types of cleansing agents such as water, earth, wind and fire. Water is the most common cleanser we use every day. We use earth or mud to clean skin form infection. Wind or air is used for cleaning some parts of machine. Fire is used to clear the most stubborn stain and dirtiest things. It is also used to clean ores to become metal. Simultaneously we have unable to clean ourselves, we’ll be cleansed by the nature. World disaster is one example of a cleansing process. Cleansing agent are also preventive agents. At the hardware shops, nails are kept in oil to prevent rusting. In the hereafter, dirty and sinful body will be kept in fire.